Thursday, April 30, 2015

CBSE Board 12th Entrepreneurship Syllabus

The Entrepreneurship is a known branch of commerce stream. It is included in the curriculum of class 12 with a purpose to develop business skills of students. In class 12 entrepreneurship subject, students will learn various topics, including market assessment, business planning-preparation of a project report, general management – basic management functions, etc. Entrepreneurship is an ideal subject for students who want to set up their own business or aspire to pursue MBA. The board caters to the learning requirements of high school students in a streamlined manner.
With the assistance of subject experts, the board has conceptualized and designed a curriculum for class 12. Through an updated course plan, the CBSE board will introduce students to the set of learning objective that are prepared for them. A set of learning goal is actually the number of chapters and project and assignment works that are assigned to students during an academic session. The board revises the curriculum at regular intervals so that students stay in tune with the latest educational trends. By referring to an updated course plan, students can plan the topics that they need to cover before time. In addition to this, the syllabus also helps students in understanding the marking distribution pattern for each chapter.

CBSE Class 12 Entrepreneurship Sample Paper

The CBSE board provides various study materials to high school students in order to assist them in their test preparation. With the help of CBSE class 12 entrepreneurship sample papers, students can determine the most important questions that are frequently repeated in the past exams. Besides, students can also work on their speed by solving guess papers on a regular basis.

CBSE Entrepreneurship Question Paper for Class 12

Question papers are essential learning materials in all aspects. These papers motivate students in learning directly or indirectly. The board prepares question papers for each subject so as to check the proficiency of students. Apart from this, it also provides previous year question papers to students so that they practice well for the exam and also keep a track of their revision.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Many of us change our mood, which basically depends on the work pressure. Today, we may feel depressed, irritable, frustration, confusions, anxiety and many more. But the next day, we may be happy and relaxed with the less work pressure. An individual with this bipolar disorder, experience a great changes in their mood and behavior quite often, which affects their daily life.
This is a genetic disorder, which can attack at any age. The symptom varies based on the ages. According to the records of NIH (National institute of health), this syndrome is mainly seen in the kids, young adulthoods or at the age of 50-60.This is mainly caused by the hereditary and also by the malfunctioning of the nervous system,  which fails in passing the impulse through neuron transmitters and abnormal brain structure and its functions.
There are many symptoms of this disorder which differs from one person to another based on their ages. Listed below are the few similar symptoms, which are found in few cases with this disorder.
  • Always lost and feeling depressed.
  • Irritability and changes- often seen in their mood and their behavior.
  • Loss of energy and not able concentrate on particular work.
  • Always filled with negative thoughts of suicide.
  • Not having proper sleep.

Here are list of few activities for kids with this disorder:

  • Parents should always cooperate with their kids.
  • Parents should handle all the situations with patience.
  • Helping kids in their studies by paying more attention towards them.
  • Introducing the method of multi model learning in their class rooms, which can help them to learn, understand and remember the concept very easily.
  • These kids should be taken extra care both in home and in schools.
  • Listening to the child very friendly, not by shouting at them.
  • Support your child in a right way. If your child wants to have ice-cream in winter, give them the complete knowledge of eating ice-cream during winter. Few children do not like to have milk, vegetables and they love only to have junk foods. Tell the importance of these nutrients in their body development.
  • Consult the child psychology, to know the child’s behaviour. If you are not able to tolerate or handle the child.
There is no particular treatment available for this disorder. The best solution for this problem is the meditation and yoga, as to keep the mind away from the tensions and disturbance. Parents should educate their kids about their disorder and show their care, affection, love to their children and try, to never have a negative thought in mind about the behaviour of your child. This problem can be easily solved, by the way you treat your child, the time you spent with the child and always share every fact with your kids.

CBSE Board Class 12 Home Science Previous Year Question Paper 2008

The CBSE board provides education to students in various subjects. Home science is one of those subjects that not only help students in understanding different food value and nutrition, but also prepares them for bright careers. It is a vast subject area, which teaches various things, including economics, community living, family relation, child development, hygiene, diet, etc. With growing consciousness of better health and right food, many students are opting for this subject. The career opportunities for home science students are enormous in food and beverage industry. Most science and art students opt for home science subject.
The CBSE board offers many past year question papers for students appearing for class 12 board exam. These papers are provided to students to boost their confidence during the exam time. The class 12 CBSE 2008 home science previous year question paper is available online; students can download it and can understand the question pattern. Besides, they can also check with the latest question paper and can figure out the changes that the board has done in the past few years. Old question papers are given to students so that they get a detailed knowledge about the questions that are asked in practical and theory papers. In addition to this, they can also get familiar with the grading policy.

CBSE XII Home Science Syllabus

A syllabus is one of the well-structured documents for students. It gives a thorough idea about the chapters that are added by the educator after conducting a rigorous research work. The class 12 home science syllabus is logically designed by the academicians, so that students get a basic idea about the practical and theory topics. Besides, marking scheme for each chapter is also mentioned in the revised course curriculum.

CBSE Class 12th Home Science Sample Papers

Sample papers are ideal test preparation materials for students. These papers are similar to the actual question papers. Solving these papers can help students in understanding the format of question, marking distribution pattern and total time duration. With a regular practice of model papers, students can work on their speed. The home science guess papers for class 12 are available online for students.

Friday, April 17, 2015

CBSE 12th Hindi syllabus

Hindi is an important language subject. The subject is mainly incorporated in the curriculum of class 12 Arts stream. The study of Hindi subject improves the literary skills of students and strengthens their grammar knowledge. The primary objective of the CBSE board is to make students prepared for different competitive exams and various career challenges. Therefore, it provides education to students in all subjects. Hindi is extensively required in the teaching field, publishing, media and various allied services. The students who want to make a career in literature field should take this subject sincerely from the very beginning of their school life.
The CBSE board has designed a well-structured Hindi syllabus for class 12. The document is designed under the supervision of academic experts to maintain accuracy. With the help of this course plan, students as well as teachers will be able to understand their objectives clearly and concisely. In the revised syllabus, the board has included chapter wise topics and marking scheme. Through this latest course plan, students can start their studies beforehand and can clear their doubts with the teacher. In addition to this, the prescribed textbook names are also mentioned in the syllabus for students’ convenience. They can refer it during their test preparation as well as between their regular sessions.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Sample Papers

Sample papers are the most demanding test preparation materials. Students can collect these papers few months before the final exam and can improve their knowledge in Hindi subject. Hindi is a lengthy subject and one needs to enhance his or her pace in order to attain good score. By practicing these papers, students will be able to recognize the questions that were asked in the past exam.

CBSE Hindi Question Papers for Class 12

A question paper is basically an exam paper that tests the knowledge of students in a particular subject. After a rigorous research work and careful study, the academic expert designs test papers for various subjects. These test papers are distributed to students during exams so as to measure their academic knowledge and understanding. The board offers many past year question papers to students. They can practice these papers regularly and can prepare themselves for the board exam.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

ICSE Class 10 Question Papers

The ICSE stands for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a prestigious educational board in India. The board conducts the examination specifically for English medium schools. By adhering to the defined educational norms and standards, the board designs all the course contents for each grade. The ICSE board examinations are conducted only in those schools that are affiliated with this board of education. In order to measure the academic proficiency of students, the board conducts exams at regular intervals. Class 10 is one of the significant phases of school life as it prepares students for the high school studies. Hence, the board takes all possible steps to make the education better for students appearing for class 10 examination.
With the assistance of academic experts, the board prepares test papers or question papers for class 10. Every question paper is designed with an aim to determine the learning ability of students. The teacher distributes the test papers to students in exams. Based on the correct answers, the students are being promoted to the higher level. Moreover, old question papers are also given to students for their test preparation. By practicing these papers, students will be able to identify the areas which they have already covered. In addition to this, they can also develop time management skills by solving question papers every day.

ICSE Syllabus for Class 10

A syllabus is provided to students and teachers to organize the learning activity in schools. It contains vast information about the course that students are required to learn and teachers are expected to teach throughout the academic session. The curriculum is also useful for students with regards to understanding the grading policy recommended for all the chapters. Through an updated course plan, students can complete their studies before time.

ICSE Sample Paper for Class 10

Sample papers give enough time to students to determine their weak areas. Besides, these test preparation materials give practical insight to students about the forthcoming exam paper. Students can practice these papers regularly and can manage their time aptly for each question. In addition to this, they can familiarize themselves with the guidelines that are mentioned in the real test paper.

Monday, April 6, 2015

ICSE Board

The ICSE is the leading board of education. It has taken imperative steps for the betterment of students’ education. The board has structured the curricula for all grades in such a way that students will learn numerous things beyond the textbook. Keeping in mind the growing educational requirements of students, the board has conceptualized a well-structured course catalog for students. The course catalog is better known as syllabus, which is usually released by the board of council before the beginning of academic sessions. It is distributed to students in advance so that they become aware about the set of learning goals that is expected from them at the end of the academic year.

The board prepares students for future challenges through its high quality learning and reference materials. With the support of expert academicians, the board designs and offers essential model papers and past year question papers for all classes. The benefit of practicing these papers is that students get sufficient time to understand their problem areas as well as the speed limit. With a regular practice of these learning resources, students can acquire a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of subjects. The board nurtures the overall academic skills of students with the help of schools that are affiliated to ICSE board. In schools, students learn each subject rigorously and also appear for assessments that are conducted at regular intervals. Through this learning process, the board makes a student skilled learner. 

ICSE Board Syllabus

A syllabus is a printed document that states the course information in a clear and concise manner. The ICSE board curriculum is designed by considering the learning abilities of students. An updated syllabus enables students to study only those topics that are recently added in their course. Besides, it also gives a brief idea to students about the most important topics that are allotted with maximum marks. 

ICSE Board Sample Papers

Sample papers are proven to be the best practice materials. The ICSE board model papers improve the academic score of the students. These mock question papers contain the most likely questions that are repeatedly asked in past exams. Hence, students should practice guess papers of each subject in order to improve their grades in the final exam. In addition to this, students can also determine their usual speed by solving these question papers regularly.

CBSE 11 Class Sample Paper

Sample papers are immensely valuable learning resources. The design and format of model papers are similar for each subject. By practicing these papers, students will be able to understand all possible and probable questions that might come in upcoming exams. These papers are meant to give better insight to students about the marking distribution pattern that is prescribed for short answer type and long answer type questions. Needless to say, every question comes with a specific marking scheme and word-limit instruction. Hence, students should work on their speed, so that they will be able to complete each question properly and timely.

The CBSE board distributes the model papers to students to improve their time management skills and to boost their confidence level. These study materials contain some of the most important questions, which students can thoroughly prepare before the final exam. It is better to solve these papers after completing the entire syllabus. The students who often get nervous during the exam time should refer these learning resources. Through these papers, they will get a clear idea about the most likely questions. Moreover, they will be able to check their speed level. The board offers these papers few months before the final exam. Students can revise all subjects by practicing these papers on a regular basis.

CBSE Class 11 Question Paper

Question papers are the most essential tools to gauge the academic performance of students. The objective of preparing a test paper is to assess the learning potential of students. Through a question paper, the educator evaluates the academic performance of students. Besides this, they assist students in their test preparation by providing various previous year question papers. These question papers help students in determining the questions that are repeatedly asked in the past exams.

CBSE Class 11 Syllabus 

The board updates the syllabus for class 11 from time to time so as to keep students abreast with the current learning requirements. A curriculum is mainly prepared to encourage equal participation of teachers’ and students’ in classroom learning. With the help of a well-structured syllabus, a student can organize his or her studies in a timely manner and can scale the heights success in the academics. 

Friday, April 3, 2015


Bacteria are single cellular microscopic organisms. The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology and it’s a branch of microbiology. The singular world for bacteria is “bacterium”. Bacteria have been grouped into prokaryotic, which means absence of nucleus.
Bacillus gram negative is the genus of bacteria family and a member of the phylum Firmicutes. There are many gram-negative bacilli of medical significance. The most important of these are members of the family enterobacteriaceae. Other genera of bacillus include vibrio, campylobacter and pseudomonas.
Gram negative bacteria when stained in gram stain results in pink color due to the action of decolorizing agent.


  • Usually they are rod shaped bacillus.
  • They are Anaerobic.
  • Usually they are motile.
  • Absence of capsule.
  • Abundantly found in soil, water, and plants and Intestines of humans and animals.
  • Ferment glucose with acid production
  • Reduce nitrates into nitrites


  • They are small Gram-negative rods shaped bacillus with a single polar flagellum.
  • They are free living and are most abundantly found in soil, sea water, fresh water, colonize plants and animals.
  • They are good decomposers and bioremediations.
  • They are aerobic bacillus.
  • They produce oxidize and catalyses.
The diseases caused by bacillus gram negative are: diarrhea, inflammatory disease of the large intestine, infantile diarrhea, kidney damage, typhoid fever, Plague, etc. The diagnosis depends on history, and the symptoms of patients. General treatment with streptomycin, tetracycline or chloramphenicol.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Bank Po exams are competitive exams conducted every year by different banks like state banks of India, private sectors bank, co-operative banks. The Bank Po exams are conducted for the post of Probationary officer recruitments.
Bank Probationary is the training period given for the employees for about 2 – 3 years in different departments of banks. This department includes loan transaction, complete involvement in maintaining and functioning of bank, financial sectors, account and treasure maintainer, etc.
Bank Po exams are as similar to the normal bank exams which are conducted annually.

Here are some tips to prepare for bank exams:

  • Different banks vary in their syllabus, exam pattern. So collect all the books for the preparation, including fundamental and practice more number of model papers, solve more questions from Question banks.
  • Refer more standard books which are easily available and in which you can easily understand the concepts.
  • Prepare a good time table equally for all the topics with sufficient time.
  • Practice makes a man perfect. The more you practice; you are more comfortable with questions and can perform well in your exams.
  • Concentrate more on general questions about the bank, computer science and mathematics.
  • Bank exam papers includes both subjective  and objective, so practice by writing the answers rather than telling orally, as writing will help one to remember the important points and also improve the speed, spellings, grammar and also the handwriting.
  • As there will be more objective questions compared to subjective, you need to increase the speed of calculations and writing.
  • Grammar books should be referred to improve your communicative skills.
  • Reading news paper may be helpful in solving objectives questions.
  • Never try guess answers as there will be negative marks, which may decrease your total score.
Most of the fresh graduates appear for this position, as it is the most respectable and high paid job without any experience. Once the students clear their exams and get selected, they will be trained for few weeks and they get the complete responsibilities of running the bank under their senior officers.