Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Time management tips for students

Time management
Time management skill is one of the necessary skill that allows students to complete the questions in the exams within a stipulated time frame. On the other hand, time teaches people to complete each task beforehand to get the right consequences. Therefore, students should understand the value of time to achieve their desired academic goals. It has been observed that those, who don't understand the importance of time management skill, stay behind and could not accomplish their dreams. However, some important points are discussed below that guide students in a right manner.
Build good study habit: Make a routine and follow that every day stringently. Do not try to skip any task included in the routine. Take required time and zeroing in on each subject and at the end of each week, check your improvement as well weak areas. Do not give up hope after assessing your problem areas and make a fresh start in the next week. On the other hand, keep your study place simple so that you will not be distracted.
Set your priorities and list the due dates of assignments: Be your right preceptor and follow your learning plan strictly. Make a note of the important dates of your assignments and complete each of these beforehand. Keep some free time in your hand to rework on each assignment if necessary.
Stick to your plan: Students tend to skip their daily routine. They must understand the significance of maintaining time and finish each task on time.
Avoid procrastination: Delaying work is not at all an encouraging thing. If you do not complete your work today, then tomorrow, you have to do double work and you feel exhausted. It is said that continuous learning process makes students irritated and hence, they need to take breaks and complete the work on the same day so that they can start the next day in a fresh manner.
Follow the guidelines of teachers: Teachers give expert instructions, which are valuable, cogent and thoroughly beneficial for the students. Hence, students must abide by these guidelines during the test preparation.
Plan your free time: Find which non educational work makes you stress free and energetic. Do that work during your free time as it helps you to develop the concentration level.
Use calendar: Follow a calendar and mark the important dates on that to be prepared for each work on time.

Friday, May 15, 2015


Exams are the  assessment,  which are held  to  judge  the  knowledge , skill , aptitude , physical  fitness of a single  student  and to certify the students based on their  performance .
  • Give an enough  time to study , as there will be a lot of study material and important points  to cover, for which you need sufficient time , so at first you need to prepare a good time table, equally for all the  topics with sufficient time .
  • At first select the study atmosphere, in which you feel comfortable to study.
  • Always keep a sheet of paper to make a note of important points, formulae, underline every important point in paragraph or answer, so that it will make easy to study and to remember.
  • Always start the preparation with easy topic, as the rate of interest and the concentration will increase towards subject.
  • Solve example problems, go through the glossary and synopsis, tips, key points, points to remember, which will help to cover the chapter very easily and with in sufficient time.
  • Prepare a study plan, which will help you to study effectively and will reduce the stress.
  • Prepare the list of chapters and make a note of :
  1. How much study materials are required to cover?
  2. Make a list of difficult and easy topics ,
  3. How much time to allot for each topic?
  4. How many questions are there?
  5. How much important each topic / unit / questions are?
  • Divide the study material into several parts, so that you can cover the complete material in short period of time.
  • Revise the running notes , practice  the model papers , important questions , practice writing and spend more time in recalling and discussing  the topics, answers , definitions , formulae’s and equations .
  • Practice by writing the answers, equations, formulae’s rather than verbally, as writing will help one to remember the important point, which will improve the spellings, grammars and also the handwriting.
  • Take the practice of writing answer under exam conditions, without any break, which will help you to learn time management.
  • Always avoid negative thoughts.
  • The presentation of the paper, answer with the proper diagram with the proper labeling, equations, step by step explanation is very much important. Always remember to underline each and every important point in answer script, which may fetch more marks in the exams.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11

Sample papers are useful learning documents as these papers allow students in improving their subject knowledge before exams. Additionally, by practicing the sample papers, students can gauge their preparation level before each test. On the other hand, they can improve their time management skill as well as problem solving skill. Furthermore, these guess papers keep them busy during the time of exam preparation. Most importantly, by following the sample papers, students become acquainted with the pattern of questions. Moreover, CBSE guess papers are worthwhile study documents for students as each of these is designed to allow students in revising each chapter in a systematic order.
CBSE sample papers for class 11 are designed subject-wise. Different types of questions are included in each CBSE model paper so that students can revise each topic properly. After completion of the syllabus, students are advised to practice guess papers to check their subject knowledge and skills. CBSE class XI sample papers are available online. Hence, students can easily collect these documents and practice these papers as per their learning requirements. According to subject experts, practicing guess papers helps students in understanding each topic properly. In this way, they can remember each chapter for a long time.

CBSE Class 11 Syllabus

CBSE syllabi are well-geared and organized. Based on the student's learning requirements each CBSE course module is prepared in an organized manner. However, CBSE class 11 syllabus covers a good number of subjects and students can choose their preferred subjects as per their academic stream. Arts, Science and Commerce streams are offered by the CBSE board. Moreover, students can collect the entire curriculum online.

CBSE Class 11 Worksheets

CBSE worksheets are suitably prepared to allow students to practice different types of questions so that they can improve their performance in the exams. CBSE class 11 worksheets are designed subject-wise. Students must practice these study documents to gauge their preparation level before tests. On the other hand, practicing worksheets makes students confident and stress-free during the exam time. Hence, they should practice these study materials repeatedly.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

ICSE Syllabus for Class 8 Chemistry

With an objective to inform students about the set of learning objectives, the board prepares a well-structured curriculum. This important document is given to students in advance so that they devote their time to the learning activities, which will invariably help them in attaining their course objective. In an updated course plan, every topic is mentioned with the marking scheme, so that students do not face any problem in their test preparation and revision. Besides, through marking scheme, students will be able to understand which topics are more important. The ICSE board has prepared a revised chemistry syllabus for class 8 with the help of an academic expert. Carbon and its compound, metal and non-metals, the structure of the atom and many more topics are incorporated in the class 8 chemistry curriculum.
Through a revised course plan, students can make effective strategies for their studies. In the curriculum, the board has also included some project and assignment tasks with a purpose to improve the practical knowledge of students along with the theory. Chemistry is an essential branch of science and it is very important for students that they start their studies early on, so as to enhance their knowledge in the subject. Moreover, after completing the course, students can also clear their doubts with the teacher.

ICSE Class 8 Chemistry Sample Paper

The ICSE board widens the knowledge of students in various ways. Apart from classroom learning, the board also offers different study materials like model paper, old exam papers, etc. to students. Sample papers are primarily designed by looking at the old exam papers, so these papers give students a first-hand idea of what an original test will be like. Students can collect these learning resources online and can practice well for the main exam.

Chemistry Question Paper Class 8 ICSE

Highly experienced academicians invest their precious time to design question papers for the betterment of students’ academic career. Through these question papers, the teacher measures the academic progress of students and also improves their weak areas. Besides this, many past year question papers are being offered by the board so as to assist students in their exam preparation. By solving these papers, students can check their expertise in chemistry as well as the speed limit.

Monday, May 11, 2015

ICSE Board Syllabus for Class 9

A syllabus clearly states what a student is expected to do throughout the academic session. It contains a set of learning goal that is prepared by the subject expert for class 9 students. With the help of the ICSE revised curriculum, a student can make his or her studies stress-free and organized. The document is a permanent record that gives valuable information about the course of a particular grade. It is not only referred by students to understand the course, but also used by teachers to make their sessions more effective and beneficial for students. The document is an essential learning guide that helps students in collecting important information, including a list of chapters, marking scheme, due-dates of assignment and project and prescribed textbook names.
The board has designed the curricula for all the subjects that are prescribed in class 9. It is a crucial stage and at this stage, students learn important things and simultaneously prepare themselves for class 10 learning challenges.  It is extremely important to start every subject by referring to the updated syllabus. It will give a clear idea about the chapters that lengthy and needs to be completed before time. In addition to this, students can also identify the marking distribution pattern that is recommended for each chapter.

ICSE Class 9 Question Paper

Question papers are mainly designed to gauge the academic performance of all students in each subject. The ICSE board assists students in their test preparation by providing them important old question papers. These papers can be beneficial for students in several ways. A student can check his or her preparation level by solving different questions. Besides, a student can also determine his speed level with regards to solving questions.

ICSE Sample Paper for Class

A sample paper is a blueprint of an actual test paper. It is provided to students so that they make themselves comfortable with the format of an exam paper and do not panic in the examination hall. With a regular practice of model papers, students can improve their understanding level in a particular subject and can score well in the final exam.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Tips for ICSE Board Exam

ICSE Exam is organized for class 10 students and it is one of the standardized tests in India. The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) designs a well-accepted exam pattern and suitable course structure for this test. However, ICSE reference study materials are available online and students are suggested to follow these documents to clear their doubts before sitting for the test. ICSE exam gives a broad competition to the students where they contest with a good number of examinees for the first time. Therefore, ICSE exam matters a lot for students and for that they must take suitable measures during the test preparation. Here, some points are discussed that will surely help students to streamline their learning process.
  • Understand the course structure thoroughly: Students should check the entire curriculum properly to get acquainted with the chapters. They must complete the chapters in a step-by-step order to recall all concepts precisely.
  • Maintain a routine: Following a routine will help students in focusing on all subjects in an equal manner. Therefore, they can finish as well as revise the syllabus of each subject on time.
  • Revise each subject by following reference study materials: Following the reference study materials allows students to revise each syllabus designed for each subject repeatedly. ICSE guess papers and worksheets are quintessential study materials that help students in brushing up their expertise before the exams.
  • Sharpen your strength: Evaluation of proficiency level is necessary for students before the exams. By practicing old test papers or model papers, students can determine their strong and weak areas and consequently, they can rectify their problem areas beforehand.
  • Stay healthy: Students should take care of their health during the test preparation so that they can zeroing on their studies fully.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

CBSE Question Paper for Class 7

A question paper is an ideal tool to test the true capabilities of a student. It is a real fact that each student learn differently and demonstrates his or her knowledge differently. Some students are good at presenting their knowledge verbally, but many students do well in writing form. Hence, the CBSE board tests the student's ability through examinations. For exams, the board prepares question paper for each subject with the help of experienced academicians. In school, student's skills are nurtured through regular classroom sessions, project and assignment works and assessments. In addition to this, the board offers various study materials to students.
Previous year question papers are being offered to students for test preparation purpose. Through old question papers, students can easily identify the most commonly asked questions. They can prepare those questions rigorously and can keep a track of their progress. The board believes in providing holistic education to students. By using old question papers, students can also understand the word-limit for short questions and long questions. Besides, they can also understand the questions that have maximum weight age. With the help of previous year question papers, students can excel in their academics and successfully stepped into the next level.

CBSE Syllabus for Class VII

A syllabus guides students throughout their academics. It is designed in a planned manner so as to give students a better clarity about the course content. In a revised course plan, every topic is listed along with the suitable marking scheme. Besides, assignment and project submission due dates are also mentioned in the syllabus. By referring to an updated curriculum, students can understand the set of learning goal that is expected from them.

CBSE Class 7 Sample Papers

Self-study is the key to success and through guess papers, students can learn subject carefully and comfortably. CBSE sample papers are given to students for their test preparation. By practising different unsolved questions, students can check their proficiency in a specific subject. Besides, they can also improve their time management skills, which is an important factor to score well in the final exam.

Monday, May 4, 2015

ICSE 9th Standard Question Papers

Solving an old question paper boosts the confidence of students. If a student attempts an old question paper every day, then he or she will surely improve his or her knowledge and skills. Previous year question papers are designed by the board; therefore, students can blindly trust these study materials. There are tremendous benefits of using old question papers as these give students important questions from entire syllabus. Hence, students can practice these papers once they complete their course syllabus. This will help them in measuring their proficiency in each subject. In addition to this, they can also understand the marking scheme that is prescribed for each chapter.
Class 9 is a crucial stage and at this stage, students learn every subject in a detailed manner.  The board has conceptualized the course for class 9 in such a manner that students will learn essential things that will also help them in the later stage. This stage is known as a prep class for class 10. At this level, students learn various subjects including English, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Geography, History, Economics, Civics, Math, etc. In order to keep students abreast with the current learning requirements, the board provides various study materials. A past year question paper is one such learning material that students really need during their test preparation.

ICSE Board Syllabus for Class 9

A syllabus introduces students to the course that has been well researched and prescribed for class 9. The primary aim of designing the course for class 9 is to build the overall skills of students, which will help them in the higher level.  Through an updated curriculum, students can complete their course beforehand and can clear their doubts with a teacher before the final exam.

ICSE Class IX Sample Papers

Sample papers are prepared by considering the amount of time, which is usually set for an actual exam. Students can develop time management skills by practicing guess papers every day. The more they practice these papers; the better will be their speed at attempting the questions. Moreover, students can also determine the areas that require better time management. The questions asked in the model papers are important, therefore, students should practice these questions rigorously.