Friday, June 27, 2014

CBSE syllabus for class 8

The CBSE board has conducted various research,study and analysis for setting up the syllabus for class 8th level of education. The syllabus of the board helps every student to to achieve their future goal in life. The 8th grade math syllabus covers the topic under real numbers, fractions, rational numbers, factors, decimals, angles, shapes and solid of three dimensional geometric  figures, measurements, square roots, Graphical and statistical representation of data and others. Students can make use of solved papers, which gives an idea about mapping of question provided by the board at the end of the book.

CBSE Sample papers for class 8

8th grade maths sample papers are very useful to all which helps teachers, parents and students to benchmark their ability in the subject.The easy and best way to improve student level of skills by making use of practicing sample papers of all the subjects. The sample papers consist of objective type question each of 1 marks, short answer carries 2 marks each and descriptive questions carry 3 or 4 marks each. A standard time is maintained during exams for all the subjects of class 8.

CBSE Books for Class 8

CBSE book of class 8th maintains a standardize syllabus which helps a large number of students every year. The chapters of 8th grade  are specific and based on the recent version. The exercise of the book reflects the topic of lower classes which are explained in brief with required number of example problems, exercise problems,etc...

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