Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday homework - its importance

Holiday home work is the assignment assigned by their teachers for the students to complete in their vacations. This home work may be essay writing, composition, drawing, crafting, project work, collection of materials, math’s problems, copy writing, answering the question papers, typing, etc.

Importance of holiday homework

The Holiday home work is very much important to the students as they spend their precious time in completing their home work. During their vacations, students spend their time in playing in a hot sun, fighting with their friends, etc. Holiday homework engages them in completing the assignments on time. Holiday home work helps the students to improve their hand writing, studying skills, calculations, etc. Home work helps the students to utilize their time instead of wasting their time in playing, watching movies. Holiday Homework is important for students because it helps their minds stay focused even in during the holidays. Student’s concentration will increase by doing lots of home work, as it is the practice for them given during the holidays.
Home work given during the vacations keeps them touch with the school and the subjects. Students spend their time in working on their assignments, projects; they refer more number of books, journals, ask their parents for their help, and learn more things instead of wasting their precious time.

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