Exams are the assessment, which are held to judge the knowledge , skill , aptitude , physical fitness of a single student and to certify the students based on their performance .
- Give an enough time to study , as there will be a lot of study material and important points to cover, for which you need sufficient time , so at first you need to prepare a good time table, equally for all the topics with sufficient time .
- At first select the study atmosphere, in which you feel comfortable to study.
- Always keep a sheet of paper to make a note of important points, formulae, underline every important point in paragraph or answer, so that it will make easy to study and to remember.
- Always start the preparation with easy topic, as the rate of interest and the concentration will increase towards subject.
- Solve example problems, go through the glossary and synopsis, tips, key points, points to remember, which will help to cover the chapter very easily and with in sufficient time.
- Prepare a study plan, which will help you to study effectively and will reduce the stress.
- Prepare the list of chapters and make a note of :
- How much study materials are required to cover?
- Make a list of difficult and easy topics ,
- How much time to allot for each topic?
- How many questions are there?
- How much important each topic / unit / questions are?
- Divide the study material into several parts, so that you can cover the complete material in short period of time.
- Revise the running notes , practice the model papers , important questions , practice writing and spend more time in recalling and discussing the topics, answers , definitions , formulae’s and equations .
- Practice by writing the answers, equations, formulae’s rather than verbally, as writing will help one to remember the important point, which will improve the spellings, grammars and also the handwriting.
- Take the practice of writing answer under exam conditions, without any break, which will help you to learn time management.
- Always avoid negative thoughts.
- The presentation of the paper, answer with the proper diagram with the proper labeling, equations, step by step explanation is very much important. Always remember to underline each and every important point in answer script, which may fetch more marks in the exams.
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