Thursday, May 7, 2015

CBSE Question Paper for Class 7

A question paper is an ideal tool to test the true capabilities of a student. It is a real fact that each student learn differently and demonstrates his or her knowledge differently. Some students are good at presenting their knowledge verbally, but many students do well in writing form. Hence, the CBSE board tests the student's ability through examinations. For exams, the board prepares question paper for each subject with the help of experienced academicians. In school, student's skills are nurtured through regular classroom sessions, project and assignment works and assessments. In addition to this, the board offers various study materials to students.
Previous year question papers are being offered to students for test preparation purpose. Through old question papers, students can easily identify the most commonly asked questions. They can prepare those questions rigorously and can keep a track of their progress. The board believes in providing holistic education to students. By using old question papers, students can also understand the word-limit for short questions and long questions. Besides, they can also understand the questions that have maximum weight age. With the help of previous year question papers, students can excel in their academics and successfully stepped into the next level.

CBSE Syllabus for Class VII

A syllabus guides students throughout their academics. It is designed in a planned manner so as to give students a better clarity about the course content. In a revised course plan, every topic is listed along with the suitable marking scheme. Besides, assignment and project submission due dates are also mentioned in the syllabus. By referring to an updated curriculum, students can understand the set of learning goal that is expected from them.

CBSE Class 7 Sample Papers

Self-study is the key to success and through guess papers, students can learn subject carefully and comfortably. CBSE sample papers are given to students for their test preparation. By practising different unsolved questions, students can check their proficiency in a specific subject. Besides, they can also improve their time management skills, which is an important factor to score well in the final exam.

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