Abacus is a method of calculations, which was used in ancient time. Abacus is a Greek word which means a table. Many of the Asian countries used the abacus tool for simple calculations in their daily life activities. Abacus was also called as ancient calculators.
How can it help children in learning Math?
Many students have the fear of mathematical calculations. Abacus is the course which removes the fear of the students in subject and helps in making the subject easier and interesting .Abacus is used for performing simple calculation like addition, subtractions, multiplications, divisions. It helps children to learn calculations easily and quickly. Abacus is a tool, used for mathematical calculations. It consists of beads, which are moved up and down on a series of string, enclosed in a wooden frame. With the help of this tool, a child performs calculation very fastly. Abacus follows the same principle of calculating with our fingers. Most of research and studies have provided that, abacus is an effective training for the children, where they may improve their speed and accuracy in calculations.Children can perform calculations more easily and quickly, when compared to the calculators. The abacus is still used in some Asian and American countries to do calculations. It also helps the children to do multiplications very easily without learning any tables. Blind children can also learn to perform arithmetical calculations by abacus tools, as they can’t perform arithmetical calculations on papers. Abacus benefits children to develop their mental calculations, increases their ability to listen and read quickly, improve their concentration improve their speed in calculations, etc.
Abacus is a basic level of teaching mathematics; the best age for learning abacus is 4-12 years. By using abacus, four methods of calculations –additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, can be performed easily. Many schools and coaching centers are put up to train the students in abacus. There are different levels of abacus, based on the child’s age, the levels of abacus are taught. By learning abacus, a child can improve his level of concentration in mathematics.
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